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Trick to Peeling Roasted Peppers (it’s in the BAG)


If you’re a fan of great bbq you already know fire roasting does something magical to food. It brings out deep rich flavors in everything from meat to veggies – in fact these days one of the most popular foods to fire roast is the sweet bell pepper.

But fire roasting and peeling roasted peppers at home can be a pain.. Lots of picking and sometimes you’re forced to rinse off flavor along with pesky skin under the tap… we stumbled upon a little trick that can help make the process easy and a less of a mess. All you need is a paper lunch bag.

One of the things hat make bell peppers so popular is the great color they bring to a dish…. We love the red but green Orange… Even purple work too… They store great in the refrigator crisper drawer too… Red peppers area also a favorite because they pack a nutritional punch from ripening on the vine longer. -loaded with vitamin a and c along with folate – all good for pregnant women (so we hear)..

Once you fire roast these guys you get an intensely rich, sweetness with a juicy – almost velvety texture…
You can bake them in a hot oven -400 degrees or so- but since we like to work with live fire – we recommend cooking right on top of live hardwood coals… It’s ok to let them get really black and rotate them around with tongs to char on all sides…

The only thing that’s cooler than cooking directly on live coals is watching your bbq guests react in shock to the scene of you tossing their dinner into the fire!  Roasting with this kind of direct high heat really enhances the char on and under the skin The pepper skin is actually pretty resilient…

And once you’re convinced you have unlocked some of the deep flavors – shake, tap or brush off any residual embers or ashes. And drop the pepper into a regular old lunch bag... Or for some of you that would be the ba from the liquor store… Seal it up and let it rest or for ten minutes… Long enough to let the steam do its trick…
Pretty simple… You can shake it up and and just use the bag to pull the skin off — nice and easy… You won’t believe how easy it peels right off and keeps the trashy skin right in the bag…

Fire Roasted sweet peppers peeled easily with no picking with this paper bag trick… With easy clean up too.

Got a better way to peel a pepper… share in the comments please!