The signature sign of a great grill master is those perfect diamond or square grill marks. To keep your bbq cred they gotta look good on on a steak or a piece of chicken or a chop. Here’s how to do it:
First, start with a clean gril. You don’t want grime making the mark. You want it to be a true sear. With the grill clean it’s time to look at seasoning. Basically, with the seasoning you don’t want too much sugar. Sugar will simply burn on the surface of the meat. low sugar on the surface. Use turbinado suger when you must. It has a higher burn point.
Then, it’s pretty simple. Place the meat on the grate and make sure it has good surface contact. Then, don’t touch it for one fourth of the cooking time. Again don’t touch for one quarter of the cooking time. After you’ve exercised your patience give the meat a 45 to 90 degree rotation on the grill (remaining on the same side) forthe rest ( the second quarter) of the cooking time. Again, don’t move it. You’ll want to allow the sear to do it’s thing and actually release from the grill. If it is still sticking you may need a bit more time. Once the whole piece is half cooked you can flip and check your results (repeat for the 2nd side. Inevitably one side will look better than the other. Present that side up on the plate.
The method also works well with indoor grill tops. Looks nice on veggies and best on lighter colored meats.