Be Prepared. It’s a long time motto of the Boy Scouts; but it could very easily apply to barbecue competitions. There’s so much to remember. So much you need to be ready for. On top of everything you need to keep things sanitary!
The Kansas City BBQ Society has some pointers for prepping for your first competition. You can get your supplies in our BBQ Shop powered by Amazon for the best prices. Feel free to print the PDF list below. Share it. Make copies (better yet just book mark this page)! There’s a lot to keep track of.
Competition Checklist << Print This PDF
Competition Checklist Have Need Cooking Supplies Have Need Storage & Cleaning Aprons Aluminum Foil Ash Bucket Aluminum Pans Charcoal Bleach Chimney Broom Cooker(s) Coleman Sink? Cutting Board(s) Coolers Fire Starters Dish Rags Injectors/Brine Pump Dish Soap Knives Dish Tubs Lighter/Matches Dust Pan Paper Bags Gloves (Grill & Latex) Pot Holders Grate Wipes Propane Hand Sanitizer Sharpener(s) Hand Soap Smoke Wood Paper Towels Spatulas Plastic Wrap Spray Bottles Toilet Paper Thermometers Trash Bags Tongs & Cooking Utensils Water Container(s) Turkey Fryer Wet Wipes Ziploc Bags (1 Gallon) Ziploc Bags (2 Gallon) Have Need Food/Drinks/Etc. Have Need Miscellaneous Apple Juice Banner(s)/Flag(s) Beer/Adult Beverages Batteries Briskets Bucket Butts Bug Spray/Candles/Etc. Chicken Camera Honey Chairs Ice Clean Cloths Lettuce Cots/Hammocks/Etc. Marinade Disposable Ponchos Parsley Duct Tape Ribs Extension Cords Rub/Slather Fire Extinguisher Sauce First Aid Kit Snacks Flashlights Sodas/Water Gasoline Whole Hog Generator Paper Plates Pillows Plastic Cups/Koozies Pot Holders Silverware Sleeping Bags/Tent Spare Cooker Parts Sunblock Tables & Table Covers Tools/Screw Drivers/Hammer/Scissors Toothbrushes/Etc.
Great list, I printed it out.
Brad BBQ
BBQ catering Dallas